About Paparazzi!!!

Founder Misty, me, and Founder Chani at Convention in Las Vegas 2012

Misty Kirby acted on a lifelong desire to buy, design, and sell jewelry and fashion accessories. What started as a way to earn extra money for a family trip to the happiest place on earth became Paparazzi.
With the company starting just before one of the most devastating crashes on Wall Street and the worst recession in the US since the great depression, Paparazzi proved resilient and not only survived but grew rapidly. In September of 2009 Misty joined forces with her sister, Chani, exhibiting throughout the Western part of United States at women’s expos, large outdoor fairs, rodeos, boutiques, themed expos, and even house parties. Regardless of the venue or locale, the response was always the same ….women LOVE Paparazzi because it gives them the opportunity to purchase trendy accessories at an affordable price.
When the affects of the economy began creeping in all around and affecting their friends and family Paparazzi became a way to help them earn money to “pay the bills”. Paparazzi has never pushed or encouraged people to become consultants. The exciting product and the opportunity it provides are all that has been needed to spark a burning desire in people to become involved and share with their friends and family.
Chani, Kim, me, and Misty in Cancun 2013
As the success of our first consultants continued to increase and their enthusiasm for the product grew, a push to expand the business was inevitable. Within six months, Paparazzi had grown by over 900 percent. This growth continues today, as people decide the American dream is for them, and not just the lucky few.
We love what we do at here. We love our products and more importantly, we love how it makes people feel. By entering the direct selling market we hope to allow everyone from all over to share in our fun. “Accessorize-Invite-Become” (The Paparazzi Slogan) but whatever you do, have fun doing it. Experience Paparazzi!